bY ThEIr FrUiTs


Hello! hello world, how have you been!!! It has been a while since we spoke. I apologize for neglecting you all.

Hopefully this is the topic God wants me to write on. I was heading in a different direction with what I wanted to say but I believe those things were only out of my emotions and not what I should. Anyway, I missed you guys and I am happy to be back.

Here goes, I have been examining my walk with Abba Father and my thoughts ran on, how does one truly know that they are saved?. I believe that Yes, when we confess our sins, ask the Lord to forgive us and ask Him to come into our hearts is the start of our salvation journey but, Then comes living the salvation and to do that, we have to be led by God the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14 states that “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God..

To add, if we are led by God the Holy Spirit then His fruits should be portrayed through and in us. People should see God’s glory on us and hear His voice when we speak… I know some of you may be saying easier said than done and I would agree a 100% but I will say this to you and myself that it is only hard when we stop listening to God the Holy Spirit who is leading us. When we stop looking at God and start gazing on the world’s ways then it becomes hard and even unbearable.

I recently got a really great job; I work hard and smart thanks to God. There is just one small problem, my job is situated in the core of the spiritual Babylon. I am surrounded by enemies on all sides, no exaggeration. Everyday, there is a particular demon that provokes and taunts me; I try not to see the person the devil is using as the true enemy but it is so hard. There is no one there that I trust enough to be comfortable. I guess that’s good because it would not be wise to become comfortable when the war is raging on.

I have gotten some big blows because I sometimes try to fight in my strength and not rely on God’s Spirit leading me. Now who knows that when one is being attacked the norm for anyone is to defend ones’ self, true? Yes, but the correct way to defend ourselves as children of God are:

To do good irrespective of the bad being done to us.
To speak the word of God even when curses are being spoken against us.
To place it in God’s hand because Romans 12:19 says, Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
To pray for salvation, mercy and good things for those who persecute us.
To spend more time meditating on scriptures and spend too much time in prayer and praise to God.
Speak positively about our persecutors.
Be faithful in doing these things everyday.
Always follow God the Holy Spirit’s lead.
Accept God’s comfort and healing when we are hurt.
Allow God to help us forgive quickly whenever anger, hatred, resentment and revenge tries to take control of our desires and will…..

These suggestions are examples of some of the fruits of the spirit, don’t you think? If we practice to live this way, God’s fruit will be evident in and through our lives and we will be joyful, prosperous and at peace.

The battle is on; never forget this.

Love you all. Pray for me as I pray for you.


ONE CAN CHASE A 1,000 BUT TWO CAN CHASE 10,000. I love this calculation and I am not a math person. :o)


Later days.

The conversation

conversation with God
Jamie: Dear Lord I am caught between a rock and a hard place.

The Lord: What do you mean child?

Jamie: Don’t you already know? After all, you are God the all-knowing God.

The Lord: Don’t get cheeky child. You better recognize to whom you speak.

Jamie shudder with reverent fear.

Jamie: I am so sorry Lord, please forgive me.

The Lord: not to worry child. I know your heart, that you are sincerely sorry. There is therefore no condemnation for those who are mine.

Jamie: much oblige Lord. Anyway Lord, this is my situation. I am so afraid of what’s coming.

The Lord: What’s coming?

Jamie: will you let me finish.

The Lord: JAMIE!!!!

Jamie: oh yea, sorry God. Well this is it; I am not quite sure how to trust you in this particular situation. I mean, every scenario I come up with in my head ends badly for me. They all end with me having to bear a combo kind of excruciating hurt.

The Lord: I understand what you are going through but

Jamie cuts in before the Lord could finish what He was saying

Jamie: Lord please just let me finish. So as I was saying, I do not think I am strong enough to go through this. I know that you are in control but you have allowed me to go through a lot of pain already and I fear that this is just another. You have tried to comfort me by sending people to share their experiences, along with your word but then others come to stuff your word down my throat and worst there are those who tell me to get busy and keep myself occupied aka “the band-aid effect”. These do not work. some makes me feel better for a short while but no significant aid.

The Lord: Remember Jamie, living for me is not about feelings; it is about having faith and trusting in me. If you can’t….

Jamie cuts in again.

Jamie: Lord I know all of that. I know some of your word. For instance, In Acts when Paul formally known as Saul was crying out to you to take some sort of weakness or temptation from him; he said that in his weakness You are made strong. so Lord I am not totally ignorant about Your word. The thing is that Your word makes me feel better when I meditate on it and rehearse it but then the fiery dartsand-then-the-fire-took.jpg.crop_display becomes more frequent and hotter and I lose focus because it burns.

The Lord: My dear child. The apple of my eye. I have given you My armor; why don’t you wear all of it? I know it is not fashionable but it will make your live MUCH easier and by the way I never said you wouldn’t have to go through some hardships.


Follow my blog.


Where is your God now; our enemies ask?


The word of God is our sword but there are times when certain situations are just so heavy and consuming, you have no strength to breathe the word. You hear people saying God is going to come through and make it better and you think I know He is working for our good but when.

When God? When?

I have been battling with a certain situation or circumstance for so many years and one minute I feel strong enough but then the next I feel like it is vacuuming my every last breath. I just can’t do it; I can’t win this one. I have tried and tried and tried but it is too strong for me. I am tired and sore from the beatings it has inflicted on me for so many years. God You say I am more than a conqueror but right now I am in retreat mode; running and hiding from those boxing gloves of my enemies. He is out to kill, steal and destroy me; I see him closing in for the kill and I am too weak to lift up my shield of faith. Satan asks where is your God now? See, He is not coming through for you: He is coming through for everybody else but you. Your life situations are pathetic and that means so are you; if you don’t believe that; you are living in denial.

To add: you feel as if there is no one to talk to because they might look down on you because they think that you should have past this place and be more matured by now. Which makes you feel even more defeated and conquered. You can see the disappointment in their eyes and you feel the lack of confidence they have in you because you are still struggling with certain situations.

Well people, this by no means mean that God is not God; no matter what our problems are; He is still the Almighty God and He truly is working it out for our good. Jesus Christ is Lord.

Check this message out from Joyce Myers:

Shalom and Hope those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful day.

Hugs everyone.

Soldiers of the CROSS

soldier praying

Hey everyone,

I read this very encouraging article and I had to share it with you.

In our lives there are so many distractions or what can become distractions, for instance: the economy, families, horrible jobs, great jobs, survival or friends etc.. Now for those of us who are trying to live to please God, by trying to follow all His commandments, it gets hard sometimes. For some of us we: cry, complain, curse, lock ourselves away, keep malice with God (poor us), sulk like children, become jealous and envious of those who are not having it as hard as we think we are, pray more, spend more time in God’s presence, meditate and speak God’s word over our lives and in our situations and sadly some of us becomes impatient, forget our purpose and turn away from God.


1 Corinthians 16:13-14

(13) Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. (14) Let all that you do be done with love.
New King James Version

Are we not in a spiritual fight? Do we not face an adversary that wants to destroy us? Have we not committed ourselves to give our lives, if necessary? Matthew Poole, who published his commentary in 1685, makes a good point when speaking of “quit ye like men” (“be brave”, NKJV):

. . . you are as soldiers fighting against the world, the flesh, and the devil; do not behave yourselves like children, whom the least opposition will terrify and throw down; but like men, with a spiritual courage and fortitude, becoming such who have so good a Captain, and so good a cause.

The “captain of their salvation” (Hebrews 2:10) is our commanding officer in battle. Our Captain has given us the equipment we need to carry out our duties: these four imperatives. All of them—watching, standing firm in the faith, acting like men, and being strong—can be considered as masculine traits due to the military analogies; but they are not limited to men, nor should they be.

Satan has perverted the minds of today’s world to the point that these traits are regarded negatively. Feminists might concede that men are strong and courageous, in some cases, but foolishly so. We are told that women are loving and nurturing and these qualities are to be preferred. So much so that homosexuality is considered normal and a man that truly acts like a man is abnormal—a Neanderthal. It is a mixed-up world indeed.

However, these traits are not mutually exclusive! Notice what Paul says in verse 14: “Let all that you do be done with love.” Verse 13 is not for lumberjacks, and verse 14, for women and sensitive, new-age males! Not at all. As Christians, we are to “be men” and do all with love. Is not love showing concern for others? In the Christian fight, are not watching, standing in the faith, exhibiting courage, and being strong—in order to protect their loved ones and their way of life—showing love? Certainly!

The entire book of I Corinthians is, as Henry Halley says, “Mainly about Certain Church Disorders.” Brethren met in their homes and small halls in one of the largest, richest, and most important cities of the Roman Empire. The brethren there were faced with decadence, temptation, and vices of every sort. They experienced corruption on a grand scale. There were factions and competing groups. Sound familiar? Truly, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Our lives to this point have been difficult, and more tough times lie ahead. We know that God will provide. God is faithful (I Corinthians 1:9), and we do not need to worry about how He will do it. Instead, we need to take care of our end of the deal: to be ever-vigilant, standing firm in the faith, courageous and strong, doing everything in concern for others. All this is summed up by andrizomai: quit ye like men!

— Mike Ford

God never promised that life serving Him would be a bed of roses on this earth, in fact He said in John 15 that we would be hated, BUT…. But what you may ask, well I think you should go for you BIBLE and get to reading to find out the answer. For new believers start with the book of John.

Love you all in Christ.


How to rewire/renew your mind Pt. 3


Well this is the first step: start reading the bible daily; know what it says especially about the areas in our minds that needs rewiring/renewing. In the old testament the people said that they wrote the word on their hearts so that they would not sin against God. (rephrased psalms 119:11)

Second step: plug into the word of God by meditating on the chapters and verses that you need.
Plug into His word
Think deeply or focus for a time for spiritual purposes or to relax.
Think deeply or carefully about (something).
contemplate – think – muse – ponder – reflect – cogitate

Replace the negative thoughts that hold us back in the past with the words of truth. Those negative thoughts separates us from God and creates openings in our lives for Satan and His forces of darkness to work in our lives.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Satan comes to KILL STEAL AND DESTROYS US.. HE AND HIS DEMONS HATE US!! Jesus Christ came that we may have life and have it abundantly.

Why does Satan attacks our minds more than anything else? Well, the real battle takes place in our minds and if he controls our minds then he controls us…. The word of God says: as a man thinketh so is he. Lets go back to Eve, when the serpent went to her he played with her mind. He caused her to rethink what God said and she wrongly entertained him….Genesis 3: 1-4 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

TAKING IT FURTHER: How could an adult look at a baby/child and have sexual desires for them? How can parents sell their eight year old daughters to men five times their age into marriage. How can someone hack another human being limb from limb? How can people go on church pulpit and scam the people? How can we hate others and say we love God? How can we envy or be jealous of our brothers because we are not pleased with our own lives.

The bible says, submit to God then we can resist the devil (rephrased). We can not resist the devil on our own. Satan has been around for a long time before us; he studies us, he knows our weakness and he will milk it.

THIRD STEP: Speak the word of God over our lives. Say it!!! The bible says we have life and death in our tongues.. Speak it over, over and over again, speak it until you have total freedom over the wrong mindsets that you have. It is like this, I have been learning to play the keyboard for over ten years (HAHA) and I still need lessonsplaying keyboard. Why you may ask? Well, I have not been persistent, I have never practice until I mastered it hence, each time I resume lessons I am still at level 2, when I should be at mastery. Also, remember that it is not by our might or power but that it happens by the Spirit of the Lord our God.

CHECK THIS OUT: For instance, you struggle with rejection. Satan says you are a reject, right BUT God says IN John 15: I chose you, you did not choose ME. God says, you are predestined and called, by Him. Another one: Maybe most of your life people have said you are worthless and no good. God says in Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you says God, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.

These are just a few ways our minds can be renewed. God did not create us to stay under the thumb of Satan. He says that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. God warned us that we would go through hard times, read John 15 but He says that His grace is sufficient for us. He says in our weakness He is made strong.

STEP FOUR: worship, praise and pray to God. Listen as He speaks as well and be obedient to His leading.

These are just a few steps that will help us to rewire or renew our minds from wrong mindsets.

Listen, if God sent His Son to die for our salvation and resurrect Him for our justification, why would He want to harm us. After all He is God, He can do whatever He wants.
God's love

How to rewire/renew your mind Pt. 2

ThinkethShalom friends,

I am continuing on the topic rewiring/renewing the mind.

What is mindset?
According to Web definitions: mindset is an habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

In my last post I shared a clip from a christian’s view and his experience of having his mind/brain rewired/renewed. In this post I will share an article from
This article informs us how mind-sets are formed and how the mind can be rewired the website above.


For most of us, our mind-sets were CREATED FOR US, at an early age. Whether though parents, teachers or friends, we readily absorbed what we were told. As we had little or no other point of reference we eagerly accepted new offered knowledge and were not in the best position to critically evaluate what we were told. If reinforced, either verbally or through experience this new knowledge became deeply rooted and embedded within us and began to form our beliefs about how the world operates and our place within it.

Later in life we may have experienced events and circumstances that contradicted what we thought we already knew, even on occasion allowing us to modify slightly a deep rooted belief or mind-set, but mostly we are stuck with what we were told early on and what has been our reference point for much of our lives.

Research across many disciplines including physics, neurology, psychology and education have shown that your mind-set is formed by the combined interaction of habitual thoughts and the corresponding images and emotions they elicit. More importantly it appears that once your thoughts and emotions have become habitual, they form a neural network that keeps the mind-set habitually in place. Keeping you, literally, on automatic.

Your mind-set and its associated neural network will continue developing and become stronger the more you REPEAT and PRACTICE the mind-set. The more habitual your thoughts, the stronger the neural network. The stronger the neural network, the stronger the mind-set regardless of whether your thoughts are positive OR negative.

If you are locked into a negative mind-set about something then you are likely to keep repeating to yourself the negative self-talk surrounding it and to continue to ‘see’ things a certain way. This becomes self-fulfilling until you totally believe it. On the other hand if you have a positive mind-set regarding something then this is usually reinforced also. In effect we see what we want to see. Hear what we want to hear and ultimately BE what we think we should be. Whatever we believe, we tend to prove ourself right – over and over again.

LETS DIG DEEPER – Lets go to the book with all the answers,The bible


Peer Pressure vs Morals

Hi everyone,

I need to remind everyone of this;  whatever I write in these blogs are: my testimonies, experiences, struggles, things I have witnessed, my beliefs and my opinions.  I am NOT a counselor or psychologist.  Now that that is out of the way, lets dig into this topic.

Last week in class, we were looking at the history of Early Childhood Education and we were checking out Socrates.  I was impressed with how they said he sought to discover the universal principle of truth, beauty and goodness, which he believed should govern human conduct.  This Athenian Philosopher stressed the ethical principle that a person should strive for moral excellence…..Wow!!! moral excellence!!! Is it possible?
My opinion is that we all should strive to attain moral excellence.  Lets get into the meat of the matter.

According to morals are:

  1. concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
  2. expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work.
  3. founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.
  4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
  5. conforming to the rules of right conduct ( opposed to immoral ): a moral man

Here are a few synonyms for the word moral: integrity, behaviour, morality, conduct, manners, belief and ethics…..  Therefore morals are doing and being good.  Check this comic strip out.  What will poor Deb do?  Will she succumb to peer pressure or stand up for her morals?  What would you do in a situation like this?

Peer pressure

What is peer pressure?                                                                                                                  say that peer pressure is social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.
All of us have dealt with peer pressure at one time or another.  I can remember in my teenage years, my best friend who was younger than I was called me one day and told me all the gross details of how she gave away her virginity.  I was shocked and felt stupid.  What do I mean by that?  Well, after I was given every last detail and we hung up.  My thoughts were, how could that have happen?  I am older than she was and she went and had sex before me.  I was stupidly determined to get a boyfriend and do the same.  I felt like I was behind in this game and that I had to keep up with her.  I felt pressured indirectly to follow my best friend.  After all what was wrong with having sex if my bestie was doing it.  Long story short, I did not look for a boyfriend and I did not have sex.  Actually, I gave my heart to the Lord shortly after that.   No, not like a week after.  Maybe months after.  Thank you God…:) 🙂  So I kept my morals in tact here because it was my belief that we were to be married before having sex.  Yes, even as a teenager that was my belief and of course I still believe that today.
I know it’s not just about being pressured to have sex.  It is also being pressured to: do drugs, steal, hate, bully others, wear inappropriate clothing – to show all your God given assets, to disrespect people or your parents because only cool kids do that.  NOT!!!  It’s being pressured to: deny being a Christian or to hide it.  I was pressured too but I got saved early and so God helped my not to succumb to certain things but there were a few that I did succumb to and I regret those up to this day.
What am I saying?  If you are being pressured to do anyone of these things I listed, I implore you/urge you to tell a responsibly adult about it.  Tell your parents if you can, your pastor or a school counselor.
It is your life and you are the one who will have to face the consequence/s.  Keep your morals in tact, keep your integrity in tact.  It is not cool to the wrong, IT IS STUPID!!!!!
May God’s wisdom guide us.
Talk soon